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引用本文:王娜,Wang Na. 城市少数民族流动人口犯罪实证研究--以S市M区的统计数据为基础的分析[J]. 河南省政法管理干部学院学报, 2014, 0(4): 102-114
作者姓名:王娜  Wang Na
摘    要:对s市M区统计数据的实证分析表明,城市涉嫌犯罪的少数民族人员以无任何前科记录的初中文化水平以下的外来男性农民和无业人员为主;实施的犯罪行为比较轻,相对集中于盗窃罪,寻衅滋事罪,走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品罪等几个罪名;共同犯罪的规模较小,共同犯罪人之间的联系比较松散,作案手段多元化、相对平和,重特大案件罕见;适用刑罚比较轻缓,以3年以下有期徒刑、拘役、罚金为主。城市少数民族人员犯罪并不是严重的社会现象,其数量和严重程度远远低于汉族人犯罪。因此,少数民族“流动人口”犯罪问题不应当特殊化,应当在人口流动和城镇化的背景下,理性客观地对待少数民族人员犯罪问题,贯彻宽严相济的刑事政策,采取措施使得少数民族“流动人口”尽快融入大城市。

关 键 词:城市少数民族流动人口  犯罪  实证研究

An Empirical Research on the Situation of the Crimes Committed by the Urban Floating Population of Ethnic Minorities--Based on the Statistics of M District of S City
Affiliation:Wang Na (Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 201701 )
Abstract:The empirical analysis of the statistics in M district of S city shows that some of the urban floating population of ethnic minorities, who are mainly unemployed male farmers without any criminal record and whose cultural level is below junior middle school, are more inclined to committing crimes. They are mainly suspected of theft, stir-up-trouble, smuggling, trafficking in, transporting or manufacturing narcotic drugs, etc. The size of joint crime is smaller and the connection between the joint-crime is loose. Their means to commit crimes arc diversified and relatively peaceful, so serious cases are rare. They are sentenced to gentle punishments which are mainly fixed-term imprisonment of no more than three years, criminal detention, and a fine. The number and severity of their crimes are much lower than that of Han Chinese. Therefore,under the background of mobile population and urbanization, we should rationally treat the crimes committed by the urban floating population of ethnic minorities, carry out the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy, and take measures to make the minority "floating population"melting into the big city as soon as possible.
Keywords:the urban floating population of ethnic minorities  crimes  the empirical research
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