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Distribution of HLA DQA1, LDLR,GYPA, HBGG,D7S8, and GC locus alleles in the population of Russia
Authors:Kornienko I V  Afanas'eva G V  Shcherbakova E V  Ivanov P L
Abstract:The distribution of chromosome locus alleles HLA DQA1, LDLR, GYPA, HBGG, D7S8, and GC of PolyMarker molecular genetic individualizing system was studied for the first time in a representative "mean statistical" sampling of Russian population. Typing of these locuses was carried out in 391 donors (no relatives) from 63 regions of the Russian Federation. The incidence of genotypes of all 6 locuses corresponded to the expected values, estimated on the basis of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium hypothesis. This allows us to use the frequency characteristics of HLA DQA1 locus and the PolyMarker locuses determined in our study as the reference parameters for standard probability estimations in DNA identification. The frequencies of PolyMarker locuses alleles in the Russian sampling (in comparison with other ethnic groups) coincided best of all for allele frequencies in Europeoids living in the USA. For expert evaluation of the efficiency of using these locuses as molecular genetic markers with identification purposes, the discrimination potential was estimated separately for each locus and combinations thereof. HLA DQA1 locus was the most informative of the studied 6 locuses. The main population characteristics of this locus (probability of accidental coincidence, potential of discrimination--PD, polymorphism coefficient--PIC, exclusion potential--Pe, and mean value of parentage index--PI) were estimated for the population of Russia. The frequency distribution of alleles of the studied panel of locuses in the mean statistical Russian population obtained in our study can be used in molecular genetic personality identification and in anthropological studies.
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