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Abstract:Book reviews in this article:
C urzon : T he L ast P hase , 1919–1925. By H arold N icolson .
P roperty OR P eace ? By H enry N oel B railsford .
A n A tlas of C urrent A ffairs . By J. F. H orrabin .
Q uo V adimus ? By A. E. Z immern .
A n A frican P eople IN THE T wentieth C entury . By L ucy P. M air , M.A., Ph.D. Ph.D.
P reface TO A ction . By G eorge E. G. C atlin .
N atural L aw and the T heory of S ociety , 1500 to 1800. By O tto G ierke . Translated, with an Introduction, By E rnest B arker .
F. A. H ermens : D emokratie und W ahlrecht . E ine wahlrechtssoziologische U ntersuchung zur K rise der parlamentarischen R egierungsbildung .
G oldsworthy L owes D ickinson . By E. M. F orster .
W hat M arx R eally M eant . By G. D. H. C ole .
G ermany's T hird E mpire . By M oeller VAN DER B ruck .
T he H our of D ecision . By O swald S pengler .
T he B loodless P ogrom . By D r . F ritz S eidler .
S ocialism's N ew S tart .
D emocracy . By J. A. H obson .
D emocracy AND D ictatorship . By H ugh S ellon .
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