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摘    要:路面治安是指街头或路面的治安状况,主要体现是发生在街头或路面与社会治安有关的刑事犯罪案件和治安案件。近5年来,海西路面刑事犯罪案件和治安案件呈上升趋势,并出现发生时空的集中性、涉案人员的地缘性和团伙性、作案手段的多样性等特点。当前路面治安管理中还存在群众自防意识差、防范力量未能形成合力、硬件设施利用率不高、视频监控装置存有缺陷等问题,需要在组织机制、执行机制、权责模式、监督机制和管理模式加以创新管理,实行"多警合一",开展"网格化巡逻",实现"综合执法",平衡"激励与问责",加强"人技联防"。

关 键 词:海西路面治安  管理创新  多警合并  网格化巡逻  综合执法  人技联防

Problems and Management Innovation of Road Security on Western Taiwan Straits
Abstract:Road security refers to social security conditions in streets or on roads,mainly involving criminal cases relating to social security and social security cases happening in streets or on roads.In the recent five years,the number of criminal cases and social security cases has been increasing,showing the characteristics of concentricity of time and place,geographic gang crimes and diversity in crime methods.In addition,there are problems in road security management such as weak self-protection awareness,inability of preventative forces to be united,low utilization of hardware facilities and defects in video surveillance devices.Innovation should be made in the management of organization mechanism,enforcement mechanism,accountability mode,and supervision mechanism.We should realize "all-in-one police force",adopt "reticulation petrol" mechanism,achieve "comprehensive law enforcement",balance "encouragement and accountability",and strengthen "combined preventative mechanism of manpower and technology".
Keywords:road security on Western Taiwan Straits  management innovation  all-in-one police force  reticulation petrol  comprehensive law enforcement  combined preventative mechanism of manpower and technology
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