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Testifying in an International War Crimes Tribunal: The Experience of Witnesses in the Special Court for Sierra Leone
Authors:Horn, Rebecca   Charters, Simon   Vahidy, Saleem
Affiliation:* Formerly Psychologist, Witness and Victims Section, Special Court for Sierra Leone. Email: rebecca.r.horn{at}gmail.com
"{dagger}" Special Assistant to the Registrar, Special Court for Sierra Leone. Email: charters{at}un.org
** Chief of Section, Witness and Victims Section, Special Court for Sierra Leone. Email: vahidy{at}un.org
Abstract:The research described in this article investigates the extentto which witnesses who testified in the Special Court for SierraLeone (SCSL) report the experience as positive or negative.It also seeks to identify the factors that contribute to theseevaluations. It reports the results of structured interviewsconducted with 171 witnesses who testified in the SCSL. Thefinding that emerges most strongly is that the experience oftestifying was positive for the majority of witnesses. The courtroomenvironment was experienced as supportive, and witnesses ratedthe experiences of both examination-in-chief and cross-examinationas being more positive than negative, with examination-in-chiefbeing the more positive of the two. The findings suggest thata positive testimony experience can be predicted when a witnessdoes not feel worried at the prospect of testifying, feels respectedby court staff and, to a lesser extent, has a positive experienceof cross-examination.
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