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The Time That Was Broken, the Home That Was Razed: Deconstructing Slavenka Drakulic's Storytelling About Yugoslav War Crimes
Authors:Zolkos   Magdalena
Affiliation:E-mail: * Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Political Science, University of Alberta, Canada; and Visiting Researcher at Coninx Foundation, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Germany. E-mail: zolkoska{at}ualberta.ca
Abstract:1In this article, I analyze the conceptualization of transitionaljustice underwriting Slavenka Drakulic's book, They Would NeverHurt a Fly, on the trials at the International Criminal Tribunalfor the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague. I adopt a criticaland deconstructive strategy of interpretation that reveals Drakulic'sidea of ‘justice for the Balkans’ as not only internallyincoherent and fractured but also politically problematic. Iintroduce two concepts as central to Drakulic's storytellingabout transitional justice in the former Yugoslavia: (i) theidea of a ‘broken time’ and (ii) the idea of a ‘razedhome.’ I conclude that Drakulic's narratives of justiceare aimed at repairing broken time and rebuilding the razedhome in a way that reveals the author's redemptive, rather thanpolitical, thinking about transitional justice.
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