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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
T he K eynesian R evolution in the M aking 1924–1936. By P eter C larke .
I nside the T hink T ank by T essa B lackstone and W illiam P lowden .
L ondon 2001. By P eter H all .
C o -O peration and C onflict : P olitics in the H ung C ounties . By Steve L each and C hris G ame .
S elwyn L loyd , By D. R. T horpe .
C ountdown to W ar : A P ersonal M emior of E urope 1938–40; B y G eoffrey C ox .
M aking S ense of E urope . B y C hristopher T ugendhat .
O ptions for B ritish F oreign P olicy in the 1990s. B y C hristopher T ugendhat and W illiam W allace .
C ollusion A cross the Jordan: K ing A bdullah, the Z ionist M ovement, and the P artition of P alestine . B y A vi S hlaim .
D omestic P olitics and R egional S ecurity : J ordan , S yria and I srael . B y V alerie Y orke .
E vangelicalism in M odern B ritain : A H istory from the 1730s to the 1980s. B y D. W. B ebbington .
T he P ostmodern P resident : T he W hite H ouse M eets the W orld . B y R ichard R ose .
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