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引用本文:巫若枝. 三十年来中国婚姻法“回归民法”的反思——兼论保持与发展婚姻法独立部门法传统[J]. 法制与社会发展, 2009, 0(4)
摘    要:20世纪80年代以来中国婚姻法开启了"回归民法"的进程,其旨在以民法典的体系化与私法理论推动家事领域的立法改革。然而,实践显示,此举不仅无法实现理论整合、促进掌握法律原理的体系化初衷,反而加剧了婚姻法与民法法律制度与理论的冲突、婚姻法理解的混乱和新创设制度实施上的困难;另一方面则已成为家事领域自由泛滥的制度原因,与婚姻法保护家庭弱者权益、维护家庭稳定的宗旨相悖,误导了立法、司法实践与社会舆论。究其制度理论根源,在于对婚姻法调整对象与调整方法的特殊性,以及婚姻法定位与家事领域自由的关系,乃至婚姻家庭法对社会秩序及道德文化建设的重要意义认识不清。婚姻家庭是人与人全面合作的伦理实体,婚姻家庭关系具有强烈的伦理性,其调整方法也迥异于一般民事关系,并不随着市场经济的建立而发生本质改变。婚姻法独立于民法是法学史上的进步。突出婚姻家庭法的伦理性,维护婚姻家庭的稳定,保持并发展婚姻法独立部门法传统,符合婚姻家庭关系调整的内在需要,有利于解决当前家事法领域的诸多冲突,对制度建设、社会文化建设及学科发展均具有积极影响。

关 键 词:婚姻家庭法  私法自治  独立部门法  

Reflection on the Return of China's Family Law to Civil Law in the Past Thirty Years
WU Ruo-zhi. Reflection on the Return of China's Family Law to Civil Law in the Past Thirty Years[J]. Law and Social Development, 2009, 0(4)
Authors:WU Ruo-zhi
Affiliation:Law school;Tsinghua University;Beijing;100084
Abstract:The purpose of the family law returning to civil Law is to promote the reform of family law by the systematization of civil code and the theory of the autonomy of private law.However,many theoretical conflicts and difficulties of the legislation show that family law returning to civil law has no help either to eliminate law system conflicts or to promote the understanding of the principles of family law.As an ethical entity of the comprehensive cooperation,the family is different from the other civil relati...
Keywords:family law  autonomy in private law  independent legal branch  
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