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引用本文:高俊. 浅析民国初年的政党政治实践[J]. 金陵法律评论, 2005, 6(1): 49-53
作者单位:上海社会科学院历史研究所 上海200235
摘    要:政党政治是资产阶级共和国建立之初,国内政治发展的大势所趋.资产阶级民主革命派企图通过建立政党政治使中国走上近代西方式的议会民主之路.从1912年初到1914年1月袁世凯非法取缔国会的短短两年时间里,各种政党组织纵横捭阖,离合分化.但由于北洋军阀和旧式官僚等独立于政党政治实践之外的政治势力的干扰,以及从事政党政治实践的各党派缺乏必要的群众参与,加之成员自身政治素质低劣等内外因素,民国初年的政党实践最终以失败而告终.这证明,在这个充满数千年传统包袱又遭到近百年列强侵凌割据命运的东方大国里,西方式的政党政治无法顺利展开并解决中国的问题.此后中国数十年革命实践证明,哪个政党能够更成功地扎根于社会,更细致地把握社会的脉搏,宣传和动员起作为本党目标的物质基础,哪个政党就会取得最后的胜利.

关 键 词:民国初年  政党  政治

Analysis of the Practice of Party Government in Early ROC Period
GAO Jun. Analysis of the Practice of Party Government in Early ROC Period[J]. Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition), 2005, 6(1): 49-53
Authors:GAO Jun
Abstract:To establish a party government was the tendency when the Republic of China ( ROC) was found. Chinese bourgeois revolutionaries wanted to build a western style new China by setting up a party government. In order to reach such a target, so many political parties exerted their efforts from early 1912 to January 1914, but influenced by other negative political factors, such as warlords and bureaucrats, and because of the low quality of party members concerned, the practice of party government failed inevitably. The purpose of this article is to analyze the practice of those political parties, in order to explain the failure of this system and summarize its historical experience.
Keywords:Early ROC (Republic of China)  political party  party government  
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