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The emergence of the Arab state system reconsidered
Authors:Elie Podeh
Affiliation: a Lecturer in the Department of Islam and Middle Eastern Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Abstract:The literature on the Arab state system is based on the assumption that the establishment of the Arab League in 1945 heralded the birth of the system. The main argument of this article, however, is that the main features of the Arab system had crystallized in the mid-1930s and that the formation of the Arab League only instutionalized the existing patterns. Although the emerging system was deeply penetrated by Britain and France, the intense interactions among the core Arab states indicated that they enjoyed considerable leeway which allowed them to pursue their own interests and form an Arab system with its own patterns and features. In addition, it is argued that in spite of the artificiality of most of the Arab states, local nationalism (wataniyya) had become as strong as pan-Arabism (qawmiyya), and statehood had become a major attribute of the Arab system.
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