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摘    要:当前,全球新冠肺炎疫情防控形势仍然十分严峻,在此背景下,美国部分政客却屡借溯源问题向中国“甩锅”推责,搅浑病毒源头真相,掩盖自身失败责任,破坏全球抗疫合作,引起国际社会广泛质疑与批评。多项数据和信息显示,美国才最有可能是新冠病毒的“起源国”,是导致疫情在全球快速扩散的罪魁祸首,而美国的政治化操弄更是让全球战胜疫情步履维艰,面临严重挑战。

关 键 词:疫情防控  起源国  病毒  责任  肺炎  罪魁祸首  政治化

U.S.Responsible for Global Spread of COVID-19
Abstract:Against the backdrop of a still dire global pandemic situation,some U.S.politicians have kept scapegoating China on COVID-19 origins tracing in an attempt to muddle the truth,cover up their responsibility for the pandemic fiasco,and undermine global antipandemic cooperation.Their moves and remarks have been widely questioned and criticized by the international community.
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