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Managing Federalism Through Metropolitan Human Services Intergovernmental Bodies
Authors:Agranoff   Robert
Abstract:This article examines the emerging role of metropolitan intergovernmentalhuman services bodies (IGBs). As a result of changes in federalismduring the past few decades, a growing number of metropolitanareas have found the need to replace their defunct health andwelfare planning councils with new metropolitan groups involvinglocal governments as well as private sector funders. These humanservices bodies, comprised of top level elected and appointeddecision-makers, conduct interjurisdictional planning and policymakingfocused on social problems and also perform other intergovernmentalroles. In dealing with social problems locally, they accessfederal and state programs, match them with local funds andservices, and thus manage federalism from a community perspective.This article focuses on nine of the twenty-five known IGBs.
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