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Sexual victimisation,sexual cognitions,desire and excitation/inhibition in community Spanish male and female sexual aggressors
Authors:Nieves Moyano  Juan Carlos Sierra
Affiliation:1. Centro de Investigación Mente, Cerebro y Comportamiento (CIMCYC), University of Granada, Granada, Spainnmoyano@ugr.es;3. Centro de Investigación Mente, Cerebro y Comportamiento (CIMCYC), University of Granada, Granada, Spain

This study explored the relationship between some aspects of sexuality and individuals' likelihood to perpetrate sexual aggression in men and women. We assessed the following sexuality variables: content of positive sexual cognitions (PSCs)/negative sexual cognitions (i.e., intimate, exploratory, dominance/submission or impersonal), dyadic and solitary sexual desire, propensity for sexual excitation (SE)/sexual inhibition and sexual victimisation during childhood and/or adolescence/adulthood. We examined a community sample of 228 men and 333 women, of whom 67 men and 43 women had perpetrated sexual aggression. Compared to non-aggressors, male aggressors reported a higher frequency of PSCs of dominance; female aggressors reported a higher frequency of PSCs of dominance and exploratory and impersonal sexual cognitions as both positive and negative and negative impersonal cognitions. All sexual aggressors reported higher levels of solitary desire and propensity for SE. Regression analyses revealed that the most relevant variable in the prediction of sexual aggression was sexual victimisation during adolescence/adulthood in both sexes. Differences between male and female sexual aggressors are discussed.
Keywords:Sexual aggression  sexual cognitions  sexual desire  excitation  victimisation  gender differences
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