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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
W ealth and L ife By J. A. H obson
T he S tatistical M ethod in E conomics and P olitical S cience By P. S argant F lorence
U plift in E conomics By P. S argant F lorence
R esearch in T he S ocial S ciences (A S ymposium )
T he F ranco -R ussian A lliance 1890–4 By W. L. L anger
T he F ranco -R ussian A lliance 1891–1917 By DR. G eorges M ichon Translated by N orman T homas
T he L ittle E ntente By R obert M achray
T he E conomic D evelopment of I ndia By V era A nstey , D.Sc.
T he P roblem of I ndustrial R elations By H enry C lay
T he N ext T en Y ears in B ritish S ocial and E conomic P olicy By G. D. H. C ole
T he P rogress of the O pen C onspiracy
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