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I KNOW I CAN The Special Olympics in Shanghai next year can help more people with intellectual disabilities learn to cope with the challenges of life
摘    要:On October 14, Xu Chuang said more in one day than he had in an entire wee kthree years ago. During the Invi t a ti o n a l Games held in prepa r ation for the 2007Special Olympics Wor ld Summer Games in Shanghai next October, Xu, 19, made a sp e e c h at the opening cerem o n y of a he a d s - o f - d e l e gation seminar, as a SpecialOl ympics Global Messenger , a Special Olym p i c s Athlete Leader and an athlete from the host city. His me s s a ge drew gen e r ous app l a u s e . T…

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