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The implementation in England and Wales of the European Enforcement Directive
Authors:Harbottle   Gwilym
Abstract:Legal context. The background to the EU Enforcement Directive(2004) and its implementation in England and Wales by legislativeand procedural changes taking effect in April 2006. Key points. Although much of the Directive required no implementation,there are doubts as to whether the implementing provisions gofar enough, particularly in respect of the rights of actionof representative bodies. Many of the provisions which havebeen made are cosmetic, but there are some significant changes.New evidential presumptions have been introduced in actionsin respect of publication right and rights in performances (althoughthe latter may not go far enough). Defendants may now be requiredto supply interim guarantees instead of submitting to interiminjunctions. Remedies in the design field have been clarified.By contrast, the rules as to damages in the IP field have beenmade more obscure by the implementation of Article 13 of theDirective. Finally, the courts may now make orders for the disseminationof decisions although quite what form these will take remainsto be seen. Practical significance. The changes are procedural not substantive,but they create important new opportunities for claimants andnew threats for defendants. Any parties and potential partiesto IP litigation in England and Wales therefore need to be awareof them.
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