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引用本文:唐 伟,马 燕,陈久红,周正光,张 旭,孙长代. 胃癌癌前病变患者中医体质类型与证型相关性研究[J]. 安徽中医药大学学报, 2017, 36(4): 30-33
作者姓名:唐 伟  马 燕  陈久红  周正光  张 旭  孙长代
作者单位:六安市中医院脾胃病科,安徽 六安,237006;六安市中医院脾胃病科,安徽 六安,237006;六安市中医院脾胃病科,安徽 六安,237006;六安市中医院脾胃病科,安徽 六安,237006;六安市中医院脾胃病科,安徽 六安,237006;六安市中医院脾胃病科,安徽 六安,237006
摘    要:目的 探究胃癌癌前病变(precancerous lesion of gastric cancer,PLGC)患者体质与证候的关系。方法 运用关联规则的数据挖掘方法,对PLGC患者的中医体质类型与中医证型的相关性进行分析。结果 212例PLGC患者的主要年龄段为34~69岁(占84.43%);偏颇体质依次为阳虚质59例、气虚质30例、气郁质23例、痰湿质11例、湿热质8例、阴虚质7例、血瘀质5例、特禀质2例,平和质67例;中医证型依次为脾胃虚弱证75例、肝气犯胃证56例、气滞痰阻证33例、湿热内蕴证23例、痰瘀互结证17例、胃阴亏耗证8例。湿热内蕴证与湿热质,气滞痰阻型与痰湿质,痰瘀互结证与血瘀质,脾胃虚弱证与阳虚质、气虚质、阴虚质密切相关。结论 PLGC患者多为平和质和正虚体质,证型多为脾胃虚弱证和肝气犯胃证,中医体质类型与中医证候演变具有一定的关系。

关 键 词:胃癌癌前病变  中医体质  中医辨证  关联规则分析

Association between Traditional Chinese Medicine Constitution Type and Syndrome Type in Patients with Precancerous Lesion of Gastric Cancer
Abstract:Objective To investigate the association between body constitution and syndrome in patients with precancerous lesion of gastric cancer (PLGC). Methods The association rule data mining method was used to analyze the association between traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) constitution type and TCM syndrome type in patients with PLGC. Results Of all the 212 patients, 84.43% were aged 34-69 years. For imbalanced constitution, 59 patients had yang-deficiency constitution, 30 patients had qi-deficiency constitution, 23 patients had qi-stagnation constitution, 11 patients had phlegm-dampness constitution, 8 patients had damp-heat constitution, 7 patients had yin-deficiency constitution, 5 patients had blood-stasis constitution, 2 patients had allergic constitution, and 67 patients had normal constitution. For TCM syndrome types, 75 patients had deficiency of spleen and stomach, 56 patients had liver-qi invading the stomach, 33 patients had qi stagnation and phlegm retention, 23 patients had internal retention of damp-heat, 17 patients had intermingled phlegm and blood stasis, and 8 patients had stomach-yin deficiency. There were close associations between internal retention of damp-heat and damp-heat constitution, between qi stagnation and phlegm retention and phlegm-dampness constitution, between intermingled phlegm and blood stasis and blood-stasis constitution, and between deficiency of spleen and stomach and yang-deficiency constitution, qi-deficiency constitution, and yin-deficiency constitution. Conclusion Most of the patients with PLGC have normal constitution or yang-deficiency constitution, and deficiency of spleen and stomach and liver-qi invading the stomach are common syndromes. TCM constitution type is associated with TCM syndrome.
Keywords:Precancerous lesion of gastric cancer   Traditional Chinese medicine constitution   Traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation   Association rule analysis
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