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When a Policy's Time Has Come: Cases of Rapid Policy Diffusion 1983-1984
Authors:Savage   Robert L.
Abstract:Most students of policy diffusion have noted that new policieshave tended to be adopted by most American states in ever shortertime spans in the twentieth century. Historically, rapid policydiffusion has usually occurred only when the federal governmenthas served as a central propagating agency, especially whenit has used the incentive of grant funds. In the past decade,however, a number of policies have diffused rapidly (i.e., thirtyor more states adopting in one to five years, with little orno central propagation). During 1983–1984, two such policieswere laws mandating child passenger restraints and lemon-aidlaws. Two broad agenda items, education reform and driving whileintoxicated, also received much attention in 1984. A varietyof specific policies were enacted in a majority of the states.It would appear that some problems become so widespread todaythat proffered solutions are readily snapped up by state governmentsas though the policies were ones whose "time has come." Therapidity of their diffusion seems limited primarily by their"fragility," that is, the degree of perceived organized resistanceto their adoption.
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