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The first map of modern Egypt Mohammed Ali's firman and the map of 1841
Abstract:Afganistan, Part I (Moscow, All‐Russian Scholarly Association for Orientalism, 1923; 205 pp.)

D. Anuchina and others; I. M. Ryeysnyer,

Afganistan (Moscow, The Communist Academy Press; 267 pp.)

V. A. Gurko‐Kryadzhin, Sovryemyenniy Afganistan, Contemporary Afghanistan (Moscow, Museum of Eastern Cultures, 1929; 15 pp.)

Yevgyeniy Shuan, Dzhang. Vosstaniye v Afganistanye, Dzhang: Revolt in Afghanistan (Leningrad, Priboy, 1930; 248 pp.)

V. M. Masson and V. A. Romodin, Istoriya Afganistana, History of Afghanistan, 2 vols. (Moscow, Nauka Press, 1964–5).

M. A. Babakhdzhayev, is entitled Bor'ba Afganistana za nyezavisimost’ (1838–1842), Afghanistan's War for Independence, 1838–42 (Moscow, Oriental Literature Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1960; 107 pp.).

N. Khalfin's Proval Brhanskoy agressii v Afganistanye (19 v. — nachalo 20 v.), The Downfall of British Aggression in Afghanistan, 19th‐Early 20th Centuries (Moscow, Socio‐economic Literature Press, 1959; 211 pp.).

M. G. Pikulin, entitled Ochyerki po novoy istorii Afganistana, Essays about Afghanistan's Modern History (Tashkent, Fan Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 1966; 143 pp.).

R. T. Akhramovich's Outline History of Afghanistan After the Second World War (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1966; 192 pp.)

Afganistan v 1961–1966 gg, Afghanistan in the Years 1961–66 (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1967; 172 pp.).

E. Nukhovich's Vnyeshnaya politika Afganistana, The Foreign Policy of Afghanistan (Moscow, Institute of International Relations Press, 1962; 108 pp.).

A. Kh. Babakhodzhayev's Ochyerki po istorii Sovyetsko‐Afganskikh otnoshyeniy, Essays about the History of Soviet‐Afghan Relations (Tashkent, Fan Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 1970; 92 pp.).

L. B. Tyeplinskiy's 50 lyet Sovyetsko‐Afganskikh otnoshyeniy, Fifty Years of Soviet‐Afghan Relations (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studie of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1971, 238 pp.).

Sovyetsko‐Afganskiye otnoshyeniya 1919–1960, Soviet‐Afghan Relations, 1919–1960 (Moscow, Socio‐Economic Literature Press, 1961, 215 pp.).

N. M. Guryevich, Ochyerki istorii torgovogo kapitala v Afganistanye, Essays on the History of Trade Capital in Afghanistan (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1967; 143 pp.).

Pikulin's Razvitiye naisional'noy ekonomiki i kulturi Afghanistana 1955–1960, Development of the National Economy and Culture of Afghanistan, 1955–60 (Tashkent, The Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences Press, 1961; 152 pp.)

Voprosi ekonomiki Afganistana, Problems of Afghanistan's Economics (Moscow, Oriental Literature Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1963; 248 pp.)

A. A. Polyak, Ekonomichyeskiy stroy Afganistana (ochyerki), The Economic System of Afghanistan: Essays (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1964; 164 pp.)

N.I. Chyernyakhovskaya, Razvitiye promishlyennosti I polodzhyeniye rabochyego klassa Afganistana, Development of Industry and Working Class Conditions in Afghanistan (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1965; 171 pp.).

Guryevich, Ochyerki istorii torgovogo kapitala v Afganistanye, Essays on the History of Trade Capital in Afghanistan (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1967; 143 pp.).

Yu. M. Golovin's Afganistan, ekonomika i vnyeshnyaya torgovlya, Afghanistan: Economics and Foreign Commerce (Moscow, Foreign Commerce Press, 1962; 168 pp.).

V. A. Pulyarkin's Afganistan, ekonomichyeskaya gyeografiya, Afghanistan: Economic Geography (Moscow, Misl’ Press, 1964; 256 pp.).

Ryeysnyer, Razvitiye fyeodalizma i obrazovanye gosudarstva u Afgantsyev, The Development of Feudalism and Formation of Government by the Afghans (Moscow, The Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences Press, 1954; 416 pp.)

A. Davidov and the above N. Chyernyakhovskaya entitled Afganistan (Moscow, Misl’ Press, 1973; 168 pp.).

Agrarniy stroy Afganistana (osnovniye etapi razvitiya), The Agrarian System of Afghanistan: Basic Stages of Development (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1967; 183 pp.).

Afganskaya dyeryevnya (syel'skaya obshchina i rassloyeniye kryest'yanstva), The Afghan Village: Rural Society and the Stratification of the Peasantry (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1969; 263 pp.).

M. G. Pikulin, A. Sh. Shamansurova and R. T. Rashidov, is Ryemyeslo i myelkaya promishlyennost’ Afganistana, Artisanship and Small Industry of Afghanistan (Tashkent, Fan Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 1976; 116 pp.).

M. A. Babakhodzhayev. The first is Ochyerki sotsial'no‐ekonomichyeskoy i politichyeskoy istorii Afganistana (konyets 19 v.), Essays About the Socio‐Economic and Political History of Afghanistan: The End of the 19th Century (Tashkent, Fan Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 1975; 196 pp.).

Afganistan (voprosi istorii, ekonomiki i ftlologii), Afghanistan: Problems of History, Economics and Philology (Tashkent, Fan Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 1978; 124 pp.).

T. I. Kukhtina's Prosvyeshchyeniye v nyezavisimom Afganistanye, Education in Independent Afghanistan (Moscow, Oriental Literature Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia in the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1960; 140 pp.)

V. A. Yefimov's Yazik Afganskikh Khazara. Yakaulangskiy dialekt, The Language of the Afghan Kazars: The Yakaulanian Dialect (Moscow, Nauka Press, 1965; 99 pp.).

Afganskaya klassichyeskaya poeziya. Classical Afghan Poetry, translated from Pushtu by A. Gyerasimova, K. Lyebyedyev and L. Yatsyevich (Moscow, Artistic Literature Press, 1975; 224 pp.)

Afganskiye skazki, Afghan Tales, translated by the same K. Lyebyedyev (Moscow, Government Press for Artistic Literature, 1955; 160 pp.).

Skazki i stikhi Afganistana, Tales and Verses of Afghanistan (Moscow, Artistic Literature Press, 1958; 312 pp.).

Afganiskiye narodniye poslovitsi i pogovorki, Afghan Popular Proverbs and Sayings, translated from Pushtu by the above Lyebyedyev and Yatsyevich (Moscow, Foreign Literature Press, 1961; 67 pp.).

Afganskiye Skazki i lyegyendi, Afghan Tale and Legends, translated from Pushtu by various hands (Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972; 280 pp.).

G. P. Yedzhov's Nash sosyed Afganistan, Our Neighbour, Afghanistan (Znaniye Press, 1965; 32 pp.).

Afganistan (spravochnik), Afghanistan: A Reference Work (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1964; 276 pp.).

Sovryemyenniy Afganistan, Contemporary Afghanistan (Moscow, The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1960; 504 pp., maps).

Afghanistan: Past and Present (Moscow, Social Sciences Today Press for the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1981; 272 pp.)
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