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Soviet books on Israel
Abstract:(see Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. VI, No. 3: October 1970, pp. 345–349).

Rasskazy Izrail'skikh pisateley (Stories of Israeli writers), Moscow, Progress Press, 1965; 320 pp.;

Iskatel'dzemchuga: novelly Izrail’ skikh pisateley (The pearl‐diver: stories of Israeli writers), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1966; 144 pp.

K. Ivanov and Z. Sheynis, was Gosudarstvo Israil’, ego polodzeniye i politika (The State of Israel: its situation and politics), Moscow, The State Publishing House for Political Literature, 1958; 148 pp.

G. S. Nikitina's Gosudarstvo Izrail‘ (osobennosti ekonomicheskogo i politicheskog orazvitii) (The State of Israel: the characteristics of its economic and political development), Moscow, The Institute of the Peoples of Asia in the Soviet Academy of Sciences—Nauka Press, 1968; 414 pp.

P. Demchenko's Arabskiy Vostok v chas ispitaniy (The Arab East in the hour of trial), Moscow, the Publishing House for Political Literature, 1967; 80 pp.

I. P. Blishchenko and V. D. Kudryavtsev's Agressiya Izrailya i medzdunarodnoe pravo (The Israeli aggression and international law), Moscow, International Relations Press, 1970; 80 pp.

S. A. Andreyev visited Israel and reported on his visit in his Izrail’, zametki dzurnalista (Israel: travel‐notes of a journalist), Moscow, Oriental Literature Press, 1962; 120 pp.

Ye. Yevseyev's Fashizm pod goluboy zvyozdoy (Fascism under the blue Star of David), Moscow Molodaya Gvardiya Press, 1971; 170 pp.,

Tadeusz Walichnowsky (which first appeared in Polish, and from whose third, 1968 edition, this Russian translation was prepared), called Izrail’ i FRG (Israel and Federal Germany), Moscow, Progress Press, 1971; 168 pp.
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