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Some Soviet books on Egypt
Abstract:James Aldridge's Cairo: biography of a city (Moscow, 1970)

‘A. al‐RafiTs The development of the Egyptian national movement, 1882–1956 (translated from the Arabic, Moscow, 1961).

B. G. Seyranyan, Egipet v bor'be za nezavMmosf 1945–1952 (Egypt's struggle for independence: 1945–1952), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970.

Sh. N. Kurdgelashvili, it is entitled Revolutsiya 1952 g. i krakh Britanskogo gospodstva v Egipte (The 1952 Revolution and the breakdown of the British Occupation in Egypt), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1966.

Suetskiy Kanal (faxti i dokumenti) (The Suez Canal: facts and documents), Moscow, Foreign Literature Publishing House, 1959.

A. S. Protopopov's Sovyetskiy Soyuz i Suetskiy krizis 1956 goda (The U.S.S.R. and the Suez crisis of 1956), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1969.

Adolf Hoffmeister (published in Moscow, 1961)

Polish of Zofia Jezewska (published in Moscow, 1962).
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