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Soviet histories of the Middle East
Abstract:Istoriografiya stran Vostoka (problyemi novogo vryemyeni), Historiography of the Countries of the East: Problems of Modern Times (Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1978; 256 pp.).

M.S. Ivanov on the Babi revolt in Iran (pp.5–16).

F.M. Atsamba on the historiography of the colonial enslavement of Egypt (pp.95–115)

V.I. Shpil'kova, on the historiography of the Young Turk revolution (pp.234–54).

Istoriografiya i istochnikovyedyeniye istorii stran Azii i Afriki, Historiography and Source Research of the Countries of Asia and Africa, has been published irregularly by Leningrad University Press.

Vladimir Alexandrov, of the Academy of Social Sciences, is entitled A Contemporary World History 1917–1945 (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1986; 718 pp.).

The East After the Collapse of the Colonial System (translated from the Russian, Moscow: Nauka Press, 1983; 176 pp.)

Novaya istoriya stran Azii i Afriki, Modern History of the Countries of Asia and Africa, (3rd edition, Moscow: Nauka Press, 1982; 560 pp.,maps).

Novyeyshaya istoriya Arabskikh stran Azii 1917–1985, Contemporary History of the Arab Countries of Asia, 1917–1985 (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1988, 639 pp.).

Kritika burdzhuaznikh kontsyeptsii politiki impyerialistichyeskikh gosudarstv na Blidzhnyem Vostokye. Epokha probudzhdyeniya Azii, A Critique of Bourgeois Conceptions of the Politics of Imperialist Governments in the Near East: The Epoch of the Penetration of Asia (Kiev: Kiev University Press, 1979; 136 pp.)

Politika impyerialistichyeskikh dyerdzhav na Arabskom Vostokye v godi vtoroy mirovoy voyni (1939–1945 gg.)

Erevan: the Armenian Academy of Sciences Press, 1980; 265 pp.

Strani Blidzhnyego i Sryednyego Vostoka v myedzhdunawdnikh otnoshyeniyakh (XIX‐XX vv.), The Countries of the Near and Middle East in International Relations (19th‐20th Centuries). (Tashkent: Fan Press for the Uzbek Academy of Sciences, 1984; 152 pp.)

Borisov's S.Sh.A.: Blidzhnyevostochnaya politika v 70‐yegodi, The United States: Near Eastern Politics in the 1970s (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1982; 216 pp.).

A.I. Osipov's S.Sh.A. i Arabskiye strani 70‐ye‐nachala‐80‐kh godov, The United States and the Arab Countries in the 1970s and Early 1980s (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1983; 230 pp.),

V.A. Shmarov's Osobyennosti politiki impyerializma v Vostochnom Sryedizyemnomor'ye, The Characteristics of Imperialist Politics in the Eastern Mediterranean (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1986; 256 pp.)

Bor'ba SSSR za obyespyechyeniye prochnogo i spravyedlivogo mira na Blidzhnyem Vostokye (1967–1980), The Struggle of the Soviet Union to Secure a Firm and Just Peace in the Near East, 1967–1980 (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1980; 280 pp.).

Rabochyeye dvidzhyeniye v osvobodivshikhsya stranakh Azii i Syevyernoy Afriki: Osobyennosti I tyendyentsii, The Workers Movement in the Self‐Liberating Countries of Asia and North Africa: Characteristics and Tendencies (Moscow: Oriental Literature Press, 1981; 272 pp.).

Natsional'niy vopros v stranakh Vostoka, The National Question in the Countries of the East (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1982; 273 pp.).

Natsional'niy vopros v osvobodivshikhsya stranakh Vostoka, Tha National Question In the Self‐Liberating Countries of the East (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1986; 262 pp.).

Stanovlyeniye natsional'noosvobodityel'nogo dvidzhyeniya v Arabskikh stranakh Azii 1908–1914 gg., The Formation of the National Liberation Movement in the Asiatic Arab Countries, 1908–1914 (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1986; 376 pp).
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