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摘    要:经济增长理论是社会经济发展的一种理论反映,源于斯密和李嘉图为代表的古典经济学派,是二战后在发达国家广泛流行的经济理论,大体经历了三个发展阶段,同时也探索发展中国家经济增长问题.现代经济增长理论及模型的建立强调科学技术进步、人力资本积累、劳动分工以及制度变迁对经济增长的促进作用.但是,发达国家经济学家自身存在的认识论缺陷使其不可能科学完整的建立经济增长理论及模型.

关 键 词:经济增长  理论扬弃  科学模型  中国适用

The Relationship of Dialectical Unity Between Building a Harmonious Society and Increasing Economic Growth--Why should the economic growth be decreased while building a harmonious society
CUI Wei.The Relationship of Dialectical Unity Between Building a Harmonious Society and Increasing Economic Growth--Why should the economic growth be decreased while building a harmonious society[J].Gansu Theory Research,2006(2):84-88.
Authors:CUI Wei
Abstract:Economic growth is the general material base for all social elements to develop while a harmonious society is the environmental condition for economy to develop rapidly.Nevertheless,harmonious society construction has no direct contact with economy growth.It's through the social distribution that they are related to each other.The building of a harmonious society and the economic distribution method are directly interrelated,and economic distribution method and economy growth are in the state of dialectical unity.So the economy growth contributes to the harmonious society construction by means of social distribution.In the post period of society-economy change,though the economic growth increased,the competition for profit and interest lead to splitting up of China's social classes and enlarging the gap of profit.To ensure the fruit of economic growth shared by the majority of people and the profit conflicts and social contradictions resolved,a developing aim should be set that the economic growth works for a harmonious society through social distribution.
Keywords:a harmonious society dialectical unity economic growth
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