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Abstract:Readers may have noted a number of misprints in the last number,caused for the most part by special circumstances at the timeof proof-reading. From the January number (p. 21, L 31), theNorthern Rhodesia and Nyasaland Joint Publications Bureau pointout that the 100 titles quoted are not all new, and that theyare producing an average of 12 new books a year, mostly of generalinterest for Africans. On the next page, 1. 22, MacMunn shouldread MacMinn. On p. 90, the figures at American Universitiesarenew arrivals only. On p. 108, R. A. Hudson was Secretaryfor Native Affairs in Northern Rhodesia, not Chief Secretary.On p. 113, the American offer to the Union was for $2m. of driedeggs and millr, the figure quoted being the cost of distribution.On p. 117, Lennox Kew Suwisa should read Lennox Ken Sivrisa.On p. 122, the figure quoted for Egyptian tobacco is the totalrevenue from indirect and direct taxes in 1949. No tobacco isgrown commercially. F. Crawford, in the introduction to theNorthern Rhodesian development tables, should have been describedas Director of Development. In the reviews, the initials ofMr. Puplampu are D. A., not A. D. (as will be seen from hisarticle in this number). On p. 172, the author of the AfricanAngelus was the Rev. Merfyn Temple, and the cost of the bookshould be changed to 3/6 (3/10 post free).
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