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引用本文:王伟. 缓刑制度的实践与思考[J]. 河北法学, 2006, 24(7): 108-114
摘    要:我国刑法中的缓刑,是指人民法院对于被判处拘役、三年以下有期徒刑的犯罪分子,认为暂不执行原判刑罚,确实不致再危害社会的,在一定考验期内,暂缓执行原判刑罚的制度.缓刑制度在实践中对教育改造罪犯,使之改过自新,预防重新犯罪,维护社会稳定等方面发挥了重要作用.然而,缓刑制度在司法实践中存在着种种具体问题,难以达到缓刑制度的立法目的,因而必须进行改革和完善.通过从立法上明确缓刑的适用条件,可以避免缓刑适用中的随意性,在一定程度上限制法官的自由裁量权;在适用技术上,通过确立缓刑适用前的再犯预测制度,可以更加客观地考量被告人是否具备"确实不致再危害社会"的条件,使缓刑的适用更具科学性;从适用程序上设置缓刑适用的听证程序,增加缓刑适用过程的透明度,可以避免缓刑适用中的"暗箱操作",有利于将缓刑的适用置于法律监督和社会监督之下,体现出法律程序中的公平、正义;在对缓刑的考察监督方面,首先,通过建立缓刑监督考察委员会制度,改革和完善监督考察的主体,以弥补当前以公安机关为主的监督考察主体无力对缓刑人员监管的不足,还可以做到权责分明,利于对缓刑人员的监督考察落到实处;其次,确立缓刑指示制度,完善监督考察的内容,可以使监督考察有的放矢,缓刑人员亦有明确的目标与行为准则;最后,将对缓刑人员的监督考察纳入社区矫正体系,是完善监督考察方式的必由之路,是真正实现对缓刑人员的监督考察的必要保障.建立一个缓刑制度的体系,对于完善我国的缓刑制度是必要的和可行的.

关 键 词:缓刑制度  适用  监督  考察

The Research of Probation System in the Judicial Practice
WANG Wei. The Research of Probation System in the Judicial Practice[J]. Hebei Law Science, 2006, 24(7): 108-114
Authors:WANG Wei
Abstract:The probation in criminal law is a system that people's courts' suspend the previous sentence to those crimers who are taken into custody or limited period of imprisonment under three years in a certain trial period without harm to the society. Probation system plays an essential part in reforming and defending crimes ,and maintaining the social stability in practice. However, probation system has many concrete problems in judicial practice, which make it hard to reach the legal purpose,it is necessary to reform and modify the probation system.In the author's opinion,we should clarify the suitable conditions of probation system, to avoid randomness in practice and prohibit the free judicial rights of the judges.In technological application,by establishing prediction system, the courts can examine more objectively whether the defendants"will not do harm to the society"to make the application of probation more scientically. Also, setting up hearing testimony in application producure can add transparency clarity and put probation producure under a society supervision to avoid"black case work"and incarnate fairness and justice in legal producure. As the respect of probation supervision, first, setting up probation supervision committee can inform the object of supervision to remedy the supervision dificiency of police security organ,and clarify the rights and responsibilities to put into effect the probation supervision;Second,setting up probation guidance system can make the defendants have evident aim and act principles. Finally,it is essential to include the probation supervision into social remedy system so as to perfect the probation supervision.Therefore,to establish a prohibition system is necessary and protential to perfect the probation system of our country.
Keywords:probation system  application  supervision  examine
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