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Book Reviews
Abstract:Book reviewed in this article: THE HOVERING GIANT: U.S. Responses to Revolutionary Change in Latin America. By Cole Blasier RATIONALITY AND THE SOCIAL SCIENCES: Contributions to the Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences. Edited by S.I. Benn and G.W. Mortimore POLITICAL OBLIGATION. By Richard E. Flathman ELECTORAL BEHAVIOR A Comparative Handbook. Edited by Richard Rose ABORIGINES IN COLONIAL SOCIETY, 1788–1850: From ‘Noble Savage’ to ‘Rural Pest’. Edited by Jean Woolmington BLACK VIEWPOINTS: The Aboriginal Experience. Edited by Colin Tatz assisted by Keith McConnochie KANT AND THE PROBLEM OF HISTORY. By William A. Galston THE MAKING OF INDIAN POLICY 1853–1865 Relations of the Court af Directors, the India Board, the India Office and the Government of India. By Prashanto K. Chatterji TOLERATION. By Preston King THE GERMAN PUBLIC MIND IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY: A Social History of German Political Sentiments, Aspirations and Ideas. By Frederick Hertz INSIDE THE MONSTER: Writings on the United States and American Imperialism. By José Martí. Edited and with an introduction and notes by Philip S. Foner PUBLIC POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION IN AUSTRALIA A Reader. Edited by R.N. Spann and G.R. Curnow PROBLEMS IN AUSTRALIAN HISTORY Religion in Early Australia: The Problem of Church and State. Edited with an introduction by Jean Woolmington W. DILTHEY: SELECTED WRITINGS. Edited, translated and introduced by H.P. Rickman THE LAW IN CRISIS Bridges of Understanding. By C.G. Weeramantry BROADCASTING IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA. By Ian K. Mackay NEW DIMENSIONS OF WORLD POLITICS. Edited by Geoffrey L. Goodwin and Andrew Linklater THE CABINET OFFICE TO 1945. By S.S. Wilson FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE A Study of the Political Ideas of Hegel's Phenomenology of Mind. By Judith N. Shklar THE SOCIAL PROBLEM IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF ROUSSEAU. By John Charvet JEAN BODlN AND THE RISE OF ABSOLUTIST THEORY. By Julian H. Franklin BLACK ARMADA. By Rupert Lockwood SIR MATTHEW NATHAN British Colonial Governor and Civil Servant. By Anthony P. Haydon THE ART OF ANTICIPATION: Values and Methods in Forecasting. Edited by Solomon Encel, Pauline K. Marstrand and William Page PROGRESS AND PROBLEMS IN SOCIAL FORECASTING. Edited by Christopher Freeman, Marie Jahoda and Ian Miles THE TRANSFER OF POWER, 1942–7, vol. VI, THE POST-WAR PHASE New Moves by the Labour Government, 1 August 1945–22 March 1946. Edited by Nicholas Mansergh and Penderel Moon U.S. POLICY AND STRATEGIC INTERESTS IN THE WESTERN PACIFIC. By Yuan-Li Wu FOIJNDATIONS OF POLITICAL SCIENCE. By Peter B. Harris INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE. Third edition. By Carlton Clymer Rodee, Totton James Anderson, Carl Quimby Christol and Thomas H. Greene THE STRANGE NEUTRALITY, SOVIET-JAPANESE RELATIONS DURING THE SECOND WORLD WAR, 1941–1945. By G.A. Lensen LAND TENURE IN PRE-REVOLUTIONARY CHINA Kiangsu Province in the 1920s and 1930s. By Robert Ash A CRITICAL GUIDE TO THE KWANGTUNG PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES DEPOSITED AT THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE OF LONDON. By David Pong SOCIETY AND POLITICS IN GERMANY 1500–1750. By G Benecke IN THE ANGLO-ARAB LABYRINTH: The McMahon-Husayn Correspondence and its Interpretations 1914–1939. By Elie Kedourie THE ARABS IN ISRAEL. By Sabri Jiryis THE COMMUNIST MOVEMENT, FROM COMINTERN TO COMINFORM. By F. Claudin WOMEN AS CITIZENS A Comparative Review. By Josephine F. Milburn WHITE ON THE MEDIA. By Brian White MATHEMATICAL APPROACHES TO POLITICS. Edited by H.R. Alker, Jr., K.W. Deutsch and A.H. Stoetzel SOCIALIST OWNERSHIP AND POLITICAL SYSTEMS. By Wlodzimierz Brus, translated by R.A. Clarke PUBLIC, TRADE UNION AND COOPERATIVE ENTERPRISE IN GERMANY: The Commonweal Idea. By Walter Hesselbach, translated from the German by Karl Kuhne SOVIET FOREIGN POLICY, 1962–1973 The Paradox of Super Power. By Robin Edmonds A HANDBOOK TO ELECTIONS IN UTTAR PRADESH 1920–1951. By P.D. Reeves, B.D. Graham and J.M. Goodman UNTO GOD AND CAESAR Religious issues in the Emerging Commonwealth 1891–1906. By Richard Ely LEADERSHIP IN FIJI. By Rusiate Nayacakalou LOCAL POLITICS AND THE RISE OF PARTY: The London Municipal Society and the Conservative Intervention in Local Elections 1894–1963. By Ken Young SOLDIERS AND POLITICS IN SOUTHEAST ASIA: Civil-Military Relations in Comparative Perspective. By J. Stephen Hoadley A BLANKET A YEAR. Bv Leonard Broom and F. Lancaster Jones ABORKINAL HEALTH. By Peter M. Moodie KASHMIR IN TRANSITION 1885–1893. By Dilip Kumar Ghose A RESEARCH GUIDE TO AUSTRALIAN POLITICS AND COGNATE SUBJECTS (ARGAP). By Henry Mayer with Margaret Bettison and Judy Keene MINDFUL MILITANTS The Amalgamated Engineering Union in Australia, 1920–1972. By T. Sheridan THE FUTURE OF AUSTRALIAN FEDERALISM. By Gordon Greenwood. Second edition MELBOURNE STUDIES IN EDUCATION 1976. Edited by Stephen Murray-Smith ROYAL COMMISSIONS AND DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEES IN BRITAIN A Case-study in Institutional Adaptiveness and Public Participation in Government. By T.J. Cartwright LEGISLATIVE STAFFING: A Comparative Perspective. Edited by James J. Heaphey and Alan P. Balutis THE SILENT DICTATORSHIP The Politics of the German High Command under Hindenburg and Ludendorff, 1916–1918. By Martin Kitchen TRIAL OF FAITH Religion and Politics in Tocqueville's Thought. By Doris S. Goldstein VOTING FOR THE QUEENSLAND LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 1890–1964. By Colin A. Hughes and B.D. Graham VOTING FOR THE VICTORIAN LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 1890–1964 (1975). VOTING FOR THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 1890–1964 (1975). VOTING FOR THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN, WESTERN AUSTRALIAN AND TASMANIAN LOWER HOUSES 1890–1964 (1976). OUR PARTNERSHIP. By Beatrice Webb. Edited by Barbara Drake and Margaret I. Cole with an introduction by George Feaver A CONSTITUTION FOR THE SOCIALIST COMMONWEALTH OF GREAT BRITAIN. By Sidney and Beatrice Webb. With an introduction by Samuel H. Beer METHODS OF SOCIAL STUDY. By Sidney and Beatrice Webb. With an introduction by T.H. Marshall THE CORRESPONDENCE OF G.E. MORRISON, vol. I, 1895–1912. Edited by Lo Hui-min
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