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引用本文:王杰. 明清之际:思想的冲突、批判与创新[J]. 理论学刊, 2003, 3(3): 147-151
摘    要:明清之际,中国处在由传统社会向近代社会过渡的关键时期,无论是在政治、经济领域还是在思想、文化领域,旧的传统的思想观念与新的先进的价值理念在这一时期发生了激烈的碰撞,社会面临着一系列令人瞩目的价值冲突.明清之际最显著的社会特征之一就是经世实学思潮的出现.一大批提倡经世致用的思想家,在抨击理学空疏之弊的同时,竭力提倡经世致用、实学实用,从学风、学术上呈现出一股崇实黜虚、舍虚务实的新风尚,从而形成了一个代表社会进步方向、符合时代进步要求的学派--经世实学派.人文启蒙思潮是与经世实学思潮同时兴起的.怀疑、揭露、批判封建专制君主和封建专制制度,成为明清之际人文启蒙思潮的一个重要内容.明清之际,中国文化重道德伦理、重修身养性、轻自然科学的发展理路和格局随着西方科学知识的传入被打开了缺口,它使中国知识界在沉浸于儒家经典的同时,开始接触和吸纳西方的一些新知识、新思想,扩大和丰富了中国文化的内涵.

关 键 词:明清之际  理学  经世实学  人文启蒙思潮  西学

Conflicts of Thoughts, Criticism and Innovation in the Period Joining Ming and Qing Dynasties
WANG Jie. Conflicts of Thoughts, Criticism and Innovation in the Period Joining Ming and Qing Dynasties[J]. Theory Journal, 2003, 3(3): 147-151
Authors:WANG Jie
Abstract:The period joining the Ming and Qing Dynasties was a critical period when China was in transition from the traditional society to a modern one. In the areas of both politics and economy, and ideology and culture, the old traditional ideas and the new advanced values had severe conflicts in this period, and the society was faced with a series of dramatic value conflicts. One of the most striking features of this period was the arising of the social-beneficial and practical trend of thought. A large number of such scholars, while criticizing the neo-Confucian emptiness, advocated the social-beneficial practice, and a new style of learning of worshipping practice and discarding the emptiness appeared, and a social-beneficial school of learning was formed representing social progress and meeting the demand of social progress. Human enlightening trend of thought arose at the same time with this trend. Suspecting, exposing and criticizing feudal monarchy and feudal dictatorship system became the important content of the human enlightening trend of thought of this time. In this period, the way and pattern of traditional Chinese culture, which emphasizes ethics, morality and personal cultivation but ignores natural science, was broken with the entering of the Western science knowledge. This made the Chinese intellectual circle, while still permeated in the Confucian classics, start to contact new knowledge and ideas of the West, thus expanding and enriching the connotations of Chinese culture.
Keywords:period joining the Ming and Qing Dynasties  neo-Confucianism  learning of social-beneficial practice  human enlightening trend of thought  Western learning  
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