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引用本文:江先锋. 论党的第三代领导对“西化、分化”问题的战略应对[J]. 中共桂林市委党校学报, 2010, 10(1): 1-5
摘    要:十三届四中全会以后,以江泽民同志为核心的党的第三代领导集体,面对苏东剧变后西方敌对势力加紧对我实行"分化、西化"战略,审时度势,科学判断,站在战略的高度,正确评估和分析影响与特点,并就新的历史环境下如何应对敌对势力"分化、西化"问题进行了深入的理论思考与实践探索,取得了一系列新成果。

关 键 词:党的第三代领导集体  “西化  分化”  执政党建设

The Thought of the Third Generation Collective Leadership of CPC on Westernization and Separation
Affiliation:JIANG Xian - feng(Research Center of DengXiao - ping ' s Theory, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences , Shanghai, 200025 )
Abstract:After the Soviet Union and Eastern European counties upheaval, the Western carry out their strategy of " westernization and separation" . Jiang Zemin, the third- generation of collective leadership in the core, has put forward the systematic corresponding strategy from the economical, political and so on. Their thought on how to anti -"westernization and separation" imply the important illumination to the China' s development in the current era.
Keywords:the third generation of the Party  collective leadership  westernization and separation  Party building
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