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引用本文:汤家全,刘建锋. 88例已破故意杀人案的回顾性分析[J]. 法医学杂志, 2016, 0(2): 119-122. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-5619.2016.02.010
作者姓名:汤家全  刘建锋
作者单位:1. 瑞安市公安局刑事科学技术室,浙江 温州,325200;2. 温州市公安局 刑事科学技术研究所,浙江 温州,325000
摘    要:目的总结故意杀人案现场的法医学检案重点、难点和相关实践经验。方法收集某县2004—2013年88例已破故意杀人案件资料并进行回顾性分析。结果本县籍女性被害人数明显高于外埠籍女性。犯罪嫌疑人中外埠籍明显高于本县籍,男性明显高于女性;职业多为打工、无业或务农;学历明显较低。被害人死亡原因以机械性损伤、机械性窒息为主。故意杀人案件以熟人作案为主,陌生人作案主要表现为谋财。行为类型在谋人、谋财、谋性三类案件中具有一定的指向性,伪装行为及愧疚行为指向性最明显。结论犯罪嫌疑人的准确刻画是法医学鉴定中最重要的任务之一,也反映了故意杀人案现场法医工作的重要性及未来的研究方向。

关 键 词:法医病理学  杀人  回顾性研究  案例分析

A Retrospective Analysis of 88 Solved Intentional Homicide Cases
Abstract:Objective To sum m arize the key points, difficulties and relevant practical experiences for ana-lyzing the scene of solved intentional hom icide cases. Methods The data of 88 solved intentional hom i-cide cases in a county from 2004 to 2013 w ere collected and the retrospective analysis w as perform ed. Results The num ber of local fem ale victim s obviously higher than non-local fem ale victim s and the num ber of non-local suspects is obviously higher than local suspects. The num ber of M ale suspects show ed higher com pared w ith the fem ale. M ost of them w ere tem porary w orkers, unem ploym ent or farm ers w ith less education backgrounds. The m ain causes of victim s’ death w ere m echanical injury or asphyxia. The m urders w ere acquaintances in m ost intentional hom icide cases. The m otive of the stranger m urders w as com m only m oney. The m urder behavior types of hom icide cases w ere related w ith people, m oney and sexual assault. C am ouflage and guilty behavior show ed the m ost significance. Conclusion The accurate identification of suspects is one of the m ost im portant task in forensic investigation and re-flects the im portance of the crim inal scene analysis for intentional hom icide cases. It also provides the direction of future research.
Keywords:forensic pathology  hom icide  retrospective studies  cases analysis
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