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引用本文:蒋红珍. 目的正当性审查在比例原则中的定位[J]. 浙江省政法管理干部学院学报, 2019, 33(2): 55-65
作者单位:上海交通大学 凯原法学院
摘    要:目的正当性审查在比例原则适用中的定位需要重新审视。通过对国家发改委“缓降油价决定”在目的与手段关系上的个案考察,比例原则在石油调价风波中的适用,可能遭遇“悖离情境”。这直接关乎“目的正当性”审查在比例原则中的定位。对此,学界和实务界存在从“审查不足”到“审查过度”间的短板交接。比例原则对目的性审查需要秉持克制态度:既作为不可或缺的审查环节,但不能赋予其独立之阶层秩序的地位。可将“预备阶段论”建构作为比例原则目的正当性审查的探索方向。对于“缓降油价决定”的实体性评价,即使以目的正当性审查启动,也应伴随比例原则预备阶段论的适用,截断以“不恰当目的”之相关审查标准。

关 键 词:比例原则  目的正当性  位阶秩序  预备阶段  

The Position of Legitimate Purpose Review in Proportionality
JIANG Hongzhen. The Position of Legitimate Purpose Review in Proportionality[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University, 2019, 33(2): 55-65
Authors:JIANG Hongzhen
Affiliation:KoGuan School of Law, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Abstract:The position of legitimate purpose review in proportionality requires re examination. Through a case study of the relationship between the purpose and the means of the decision given by the national development and reform commission which postponed the oil price reduction, the adoption of proportionality principle may encounter a “perverse situation”. This is directly related to the positioning of the “legitimacy of purpose” review in the principle of proportionality. However, there is an embarrassing transition from “insufficient review” to “excessive review” in the academic and practical circles. Proportionality shall constrain its scrutiny of purpose review: treating it as an indispensable step, but without the independent status of hierarchy. An approach of “preparatory stage theory” can be regarded as the exploratory direction. Accordingly, the substantive proportionate evaluation of the decision that postponed the oil price reduction should be initiated with the review of legitimate purpose, but determined as violation of “improper purpose”.
Keywords:principle of proportionality   legitimacy of purpose   hierarchical orders   preparatory stage  
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