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引用本文:周长康. “枫桥经验”的科学发展——中国特色整体预防犯罪模式的构建[J]. 山东警察学院学报, 2009, 21(5): 107-114
摘    要:闻名全国的枫桥经验已走过了46年的历程,跨越了计划经济与市场经济、封闭社会与改革开放两个不同的历史阶段。在这个社会大变革过程中,浙江省社会矛盾和民间纠纷急剧增加,不稳定因素充满各个领域,违法犯罪大幅上升,社会治安形势严峻。诸暨枫桥并非真空地带,而是处在犯罪诱因的包围之中。枫桥的干部群众在积极地同敌对势力、刑事犯罪和各种灾害事故的博弈中取得了主动,保持了本地较低的犯罪率和稳定的社会秩序。事实证明,犯罪是可防、可控和可治的。新形势下犯罪活动由简单到复杂,从低级到高级,从传统到现代的演变,出现国内外互相呼应、互相纠合、互相勾结的复杂多变的整体犯罪态势。枫桥的干部群众以科学发展观为统领,以辩证整体论为指导,从整体上实施预防和控制犯罪战略,促进了枫桥模式的生成,构建了中国特色整体预防犯罪模式的雏形。

关 键 词:枫桥经验  科学发展  整体  预防犯罪  模式

Scientific Development of Fengqiao Experience
Affiliation:ZHOU Chang - kang (Department of Public Security of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310000, China)
Abstract:Fengqiao experience, famous in China, has developed for 46 years spanning from command economy to market economy, from a closed society to reform and opening up. During the process of great social changes, there is a sharp increase of social contradictions and disputes among the people. Each field is filled with unstable factors. As a result, crime and delinquency rise by a big margin and public order is in a grave situation. Fengqiao county of Zhuji city is not as pure as vacuum but surrounded by incentives of crime. The police and the community took initiative in the fight against hostile forces, criminal offences as well as disasters and accidents. Stable social order has been created and low rate of crime has been maintained. It has been proved that crime can be prevented, controlled and reduced. In a new era, criminal activities evolve from being simple to being complex, from being inferior to being superior, form being traditional to being modem. A holistie crime pattern occurs in which criminals from both home and abroad are connected with each other. Guided by the scientific outlook on development and dialectical holism, the police and the community adopt the strategy of preventing and controlling crimes as a whole which accelerates the shaping of Fengqiao Pattern, the prototype of preventing crime as a whole with Chinese characteristics.
Keywords:Fengqiao Experience  scientific development  holistic  to prevent crime  pattern
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