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The Representation of the Legal Interests of Children and Adolescents in Germany: A Study of the Children's Guardian from a Child's Perspective
Authors:Stotzel, Manuela   Fegert, Jorg M.
Affiliation:* Dr. Manuela Stötzel, Berlin, psychologist, psychological expert at the Institut Gericht & Familie (Institute for Court Proceedings and Families) in Berlin and children’s guardian.
** Prof. Dr. Jörg M. Fegert, Ulm, clinical director at the Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie/Psychotherapie (Clinic for Child and Youth Psychiatry/Psychotherapy) at the University of Ulm.
Abstract:In 1998, the children’s guardian was introduced into Germanlaw as a new legal institution to represent interests of childrenand young people in certain family and guardianship court proceedings.Until now, there has not been realized any comprehensive investigationabout the perception of children and young people themselvesabout the new figure. This study focuses on the understandingof 52 children and young people concerning the guardian’srole and their satisfaction with the representation. To a largeextent, most children formulated appropriate and differentiatedconceptions of the role and duty of the children’s guardianeven if there were a few uncertainties. Furthermore, most childrenreported on many positive and satisfying aspects, although individualaspects were designated as problematic.
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