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ICC Pre-Trial Chamber Allows Victims to Participate in the Investigation Phase of Proceedings
Authors:de Hemptinne, Jerome   Rindi, Francesco
Affiliation:* The authors are Legal Officer and Associate Legal Officer at the ICTY; the views expressed herein are theirs alone and do not necessarily represent the views of the ICTY or the United Nations. The authors would like to thank Mr Steven Powles for his assistance in reviewing these comments.
Abstract:The decision rendered by the International Criminal Court (ICC)Pre-Trial Chamber I on 17 January 2006 allows victims to beinvolved in ICC proceedings at an early stage of the investigation.The Prosecutor, who has filed an appeal against this decision,has consistently argued that the right of victims to participatein the proceedings does not cover the investigation phase. Itis argued that the impact of this decision goes far beyond theissue of victims’ participation in the investigations;it has general implications for the balance of power betweenthe judiciary and the prosecution in proceedings before theICC.
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