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引用本文:陈璇(译). 刑法科学的理论[J]. 华中电力, 2021, 0(2): 23-44
摘    要:当代德国刑法教义学存在着侧重具体问题的细化研究、弱化体系性要求的趋势。但体系的一致性,毕竟是刑法学作为一门科学所必须满足的基础要求。刑法科学的理论,旨在为刑法教义学的建构提出必要的准则,以确保刑法教义学能够成为一门体系性的、理性的科学。刑罚论是建构犯罪总论的起点;犯罪概念的内容,取决于刑罚的正当化根据。刑法的任务在于,保证法共同体成员相互认可的状态具备必要的稳定性。因此,犯罪的本质并非法益侵害;只有当某一行为违反了公民所负有的应当共同维护既有之自由生存秩序这一义务时,才能将该行为视作犯罪。从该犯罪概念出发,可以在行为概念、客观归责、故意论、不作为犯等犯罪总论的具体领域中,推导出与之相适应的结论。刑法科学之理论的优势在于,它能够将某一学说的教学法品质与其真正的科学品质截然区分开来。

关 键 词:刑法科学  犯罪论  刑罚论  法教义学  体系

Abstract:There is a tendency in contemporary German criminal law dogmatics to focus on the detailed research of specific problems and weaken systematic requirements.But the consistency of the system,after all,is the basic requirement of criminal law as a subject of science.The theory of criminal law science aims to put forward the necessary criteria for the construction of criminal law dogmatics,so as to ensure that criminal law dogmatics can become a systematic and rational science.The theory of penalty is the starting point of constructing the general theory of crime.The content of the concept of crime depends on the justification of penalty.The task of criminal law is to ensure the necessary stability of mutual recognition among members of the community.Therefore,the essence of crime is not infringement of legal interests,but only when an act violates the obligation of citizens to jointly maintain the existing order of free existence,can it be regarded as a crime.Starting from the concept of the crime,we can deduce the corresponding conclusions in the specific areas of the general theory of crime,such as the concept of behavior,the objective imputation,the theory of intention,and the omission crime.The advantage of the theory of criminal law science is that it can distinguish the teaching quality of a certain theory from its real scientific quality.
Keywords:Criminal Law Science  Theory of Crime  Theory of Penalty  Dogmatics of Law  System
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