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A Proposal for a Framework Convention on Global Health
Authors:Gostin  Lawrence O
Institution:Correspondence: Lawrence O. Gostin, Associate Dean (Research and Academic Programs) and the Linda D. and Timothy J. O’Neill Professor of Global Health Law, is Faculty Director of the O’Neill Institute on National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University Law Center. A longer version of this article is forthcoming: Lawrence O. Gostin, Meeting Basic Survival Needs of the World's Least Healthy People: Toward a Framework Convention on Global Health, 96 GEO. L.J. (forthcoming January 2008).
Abstract:This article searches for solutions to the most perplexing problemsin global health—problems so important that they affectthe fate of millions of people, with economic, political, andsecurity ramifications for the world's population. No State,acting alone, can insulate itself from major health hazards.It is for this reason that safeguarding the world's populationrequires cooperation and global governance. What is truly needed,and what richer countries instinctively do for their own citizens,is to meet what I call ‘basic survival needs.’ Byfocusing on the major determinants of health, the internationalcommunity could dramatically improve prospects for good health.A vehicle such as a Framework Convention on Global Health (FCGH)could powerfully improve global health governance. Such a FrameworkConvention would commit States to a set of targets, both economicand logistic, and dismantle barriers to constructive engagementby the private and charitable sectors. It would stimulate creativepublic/private partnerships and actively engage civil societystakeholders. A FCGH could set achievable goals for global healthspending; define areas of cost effective investment to meetbasic survival needs; build sustainable health systems; andcreate incentives for scientific innovation for affordable vaccinesand essential medicines.
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