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引用本文:施鹏鹏. 为职权主义辩护[J]. 中国法学, 2014, 0(2): 275-302
摘    要:"职权主义"最早起源于欧陆,最初的含义系查清案件事实的方法,后演变为大陆法系国家普遍的诉讼形态。"职权主义"与"当事人主义"的对立并非历史的产物,而系诉讼法学者的理论创设。"职权主义"的核心内涵也非一成不变,随着时代的发展在不断丰富。当代的"职权主义"可界定为"诉讼以社会利益优先为导向、国家权力为主导、实质真实为目标,审前程序凸显侦检机关的优势侦查权,审判程序凸显法官主导控制权的正当程序模型"。时下学界对"职权主义"存在较大的批评,这主要源于对传统职权主义诉讼的误解以及对当事人主义的理想化。中国因国家权力主导的制度背景、追求客观真实的司法传统以及原有职权主义诉讼的基本构架,既应避免进入"当事人主义"或"对抗制"的陷阱,也不应设立理念混乱、制度杂糅的"混合式诉讼",而应坚持走职权主义的道路。

关 键 词:职权主义  当事人主义  法律传统

A Defense for the Inquisitorial System
Abstract:"Inquisitorial System"originated from the Continental Europe. At first,it means a method to find truth. Afterwards it becomes a common lawsuit pattern in the continental law system countries. The confrontation between "Inquisitorial System " and "Accusatorial System"is not the result of history,but the theory which is created by the procedure law scholars. The core meaning of "Inquisitorial System"does not stay still but changes as time passing. "Inquisitorial System"at present can be defined as "a process model which considers social interests at first,follows the state power,makes efforts to find substantive truth,emphasizes investigation power in the pretrial stage and highlights dominant control of judge in the trial". Current academic criticizes seriously "Inquisitorial System" because of the misunderstanding of traditional "Inquisitorial System"and the idealizing of "Accusatorial System". Due to the great state power,judicial tradition of pursuing objective truth as well as to the formed framework of "Inquisitorial System",China should not only avoid to drop into the trap of choosing alternatively but also not to establish "hybrid procedure"which confuses always the concepts and the principes. It should stick to the path of "Inquisitorial System".
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