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Cash is King: Financial Sponsorship and Changing Priorities in the Syrian Civil War
Authors:Anne Marie Baylouny  Creighton A. Mullins
Affiliation:1. National Security Affairs, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CAambaylou@nps.edu;3. U.S. Air Force

The role of resources in war has been much debated. What happens when foreign patrons provide lavish amounts of cash to rebels, without mechanisms of accountability? This article analyzes three major sources of funding and their micro-level effects on insurgent-groups in the Syrian civil war. Recipients of funding demonstrated opportunism in actions, alliances, and ideologies, directly related to the funding source. Funders thus set the agenda of the war, promoting Islamist ideologies and regional over local issues. Private donors rivaled state sponsors, in what may be a harbinger of future globalization trends.
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