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引用本文:王金玲. 中国大陆女性社会学的发展与建设[J]. 思想战线, 2002, 28(1): 94-101
摘    要:中国女性社会学并不是作为社会学的一个分支学科在 2 0世纪 70年代末至 80年代初中国大陆社会学的复兴中应运而生的 ,相反 ,它是 2 0世纪 80年代中期“妇女问题”研究的产物。在近 15年的进程中 ,中国大陆的女性社会学在研究的立场上以价值中立为主转变成价值中立、女性主义共存 ,甚至出现了某种女性主义的倾向 ;在研究的理念上 ,将妇女视作一种角色的“特殊性”逐渐转变成更多地关注妇女的多种角色 ,注意把握妇女作为“人”的整体整合性 ;在研究的方法上 ,对策研究的主倾向被打破 ,形成对策研究、纯学术研究、参与式研究三足鼎立的局面 ,而参与式研究正在成为中国女性社会学研究方法的一大特质 ;在研究内容方面 ,2 0世纪 80年代以“问题研究”为主 ,90年代上半叶以对“女人”研究为主 ,而从 90年代下半叶开始 ,“性别人”研究成为重点。这些变化的结果之一是 ,女性社会学由对社会学、妇女研究的依附走向相对独立 ,作为一个独立学科的女性社会学正在形成。

关 键 词:中国大陆  女性社会学  发展道路  学科建设

Development and Construction of Female Sociology in Mainland China
WANG Jin-ling. Development and Construction of Female Sociology in Mainland China[J]. The Ideological Front(Yunnan University's Journal of Social Sciences), 2002, 28(1): 94-101
Authors:WANG Jin-ling
Abstract:The Chinese female sociology came into being not as a branch of sociology in the revival of sociology in the late 1970s and in the early 1980s in Mainland China; it was a product of the researches concerning the problems of women done in the mid-1980s. In its development of almost 15 years, female sociology in Mainland China experienced a change of standpoint from the neutrality of value to the co-existence of the neutrality of value and feminism, and there appeared even the trends of feminism. Theoretically, there was a change from the uni-role woman to the multi-role woman, with attention paid to women as a human beings. As far as research method is concerned, research confined only to countermeasures was abandoned, and there appeared a research consisting of three aspects: research about countermeasures, pure academic research, and participant research, with the last as the most important. As for the content of the research, attention was paid to "problems" in the 1980s, to"women" in the early 1990s, and to "human beings of one of the two sexes" since the late 1990s. As a result of these changes, the female sociology became independent of sociology and the researches about women. Female sociology, as an independent discipline, came into being at last.
Keywords:Mainland China  female sociology  ways of development  construction of a discipline  
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