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Somali Community Organizations in London and Toronto: Collaboration and Effectiveness
Authors:Hopkins   Gail
Affiliation:Sussex Centre for Migration Research, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9SJ, UK g.hopkins{at}sussex.ac.uk
Abstract:This article considers the high number of Somali community organizationsin both London and Toronto. Drawing on interviews in both locationswith Somali women refugees and discussions with those involvedin their resettlement, evidence shows that many Somalis continueto feel marginalized in terms of service provision and thatcollective representation is limited, despite the high numberof specifically Somali organizations that exist. Through a comparisonof the Somali community organizations in London and Toronto,this article highlights factors which have inhibited the developmentof a united, collaborative Somali voice. Contributory factorsare shown to derive partly from the persistent clan dynamicsamong Somalis and the solutions Somalis find, and partly fromfailings in service and funding provision. It is argued that,in the Somali case, exclusionary dynamics undermine the roleof community organizations in rebuilding community and belongingand providing a safe and empowering setting in which individualsand communities may regain confidence and begin the processof integration within the receiving society.
Keywords:Somali communities    urban refugees    refugee organizations
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