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引用本文:崔铭. 基本人生取向与人格理想:论苏轼与黄庭坚的内在契合[J]. 金陵法律评论, 2002, 0(1): 148-154
摘    要:北宋熙宁、元丰年间,雄踞于思想化领域的“宋学四派”为士大夫们提供了四种可供选择或归附的精神群体。置身于这一社会背景下的黄庭坚最后选择苏轼,除了学上的追求,尚有其深刻的思想基础。崇尚隐逸、厌倦仕途的思想倾向使他与积极世且居于执政地位的荆公学派保持距离,对佛道的涵容态度又使他判然区别于以司马光为代表的温公学派,而“中刚外和”的理想人格更与二程道貌岸然的圣贤气象两异其趣。苏、黄的内在契合主要体现于出世与和世的两难处境与共闷情怀,以及调和三教、打通雅俗的思想与人格追求。

关 键 词:苏轼 黄庭坚 人生基本取向 人格理想

The Selection of the Value of Life and Personality:A Study of the Internal Congeniality of Su Shi and Huang Ting-jian
CUI Ming. The Selection of the Value of Life and Personality:A Study of the Internal Congeniality of Su Shi and Huang Ting-jian[J]. Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition), 2002, 0(1): 148-154
Authors:CUI Ming
Abstract:There were four idealistic and academic schools on Xining and Yuanfeng period in Song dynasty,which offered four inspirit colonies to shih ta fu to select or attach to.Huang Tingjian.finally followed Sushi in the social backgroung.Rather than literature pursue,there was more profound thinking foundation.Advocating reclusion and being tired of official career,he always kept a distance with"Jinggong school"which was in the saddle,while the attitude of conciliate san chiao made him different from"Wengong school",moreover,on personality ideal,there was a great polarity between Huang and "two Cheng".The internal congeniality of Su Shi and Huang mainly embodied a dilemma place and pang about stand aloof from worldly affairs of join to it,as well as the selection of the value of life and personality pursue.
Keywords:Su Shi  Huang TingJian  the selection of value of life  personality ideal
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