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Book Reviews
Abstract:Book review in this article Administrative Theories and Politics Peter Self. George Allen & Unwin A History of Public Administration E.N.Gladden. The Role of Commissions in Policy Making Richard A.Chapman (ed.). George Allen & Unwin The New Government of London: The First Five Years G.Rhodes (ed.). Weidenfeld & Nicholson Computers in the Public Service G.M.Lamb. George Allen Cost-Benefit Analysis in Administration Trevor Newton. Legal Control of Government: Administrative Law in Britain and the United States Bernard Schwartz and H.W.R.Wade. The Backbezchers Peter G.Richards. Participation in Urban Planning: The Barnsbuv Case John Ferris. Man and the Social Sciences William A.Robson The European Parliament: Structure, Procedure and Practice Sir Barnett Cocks. Establishing Ombudsman Offices: Recent Experience in the United States Stanley V.Anderson and John E.Moore s Governing the London Region: Reorganization and Planning in the 1960′s Donald L.Foley. Crisis for Democracy? An Essay on the State of Policy-Making in Scottish Local Government Ronald G.Young. Corporate Planning: Revolution through Evolution New Towns: the British Experience Hazel Evans (ed.). Governmental and Administrative Organization in the Field of Scientific Research Antonio de Juan Abad. New Integrated Systems for Planning and Budgeting Tomas O'Cofaigh The Participation of Users or Directly Interested Persons in National Education The Administration of Hospital Wards Dynamics of Medical Care R.F.L.Logan and others. London School of Hygiene and TropicaI Public Expectations and Health Care: Essays on the Changing Organization of Health Services David Mechanic. The Economics of Medical Care M.M.Hauser (ed.) Taxation Policy Bernard Crick and William A.Robson (eds.) Comparative Budgetary Systems Anwar Hussain Siddiqui. Output Measurement Papers Institute of Municipal Treasurers and Accountants Management Development for the Education Profession Ron Glatter. George G.Harrap Teachers’Unions and Interest Group Politics R.D.Coates. Perspectives on Organizations: An Introduction to Organization Theory R.A.W.Rhodes.‘Telescope New Thinking in Management: A Guide for Managers F.de P.Hanika. The Right to Manage? W.W.Danie1 and Neil McIntosh. Human Asset Accounting Institute of Personnel Management and the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants Some Approaches to Job Evaluation E.H.Phelps Brown On Thinking Statistically: A Short Introduction Morris Brodie. An Introduction to British Government Publications J.G.Ollé The Practice and Procedure of the National Industrial Relations Court Roger W.Rideout.
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