摘 要: | 国际友人在长沙联欢会上Foreign friends at the ge从ogether in Changsha 美国老兵托马斯·格里芬在送给上海市政府的飞虎队飞机模型上签名 Ameriean war veteran Thomas Grimn Penning his name on a model P Iane of the Flying Tigers,a souVenir Presented to the Shanghai MunieiPal Government 美国驼峰航线老兵在昆明驼峰航线纪念碑前 Ameriean veteran Pilots who们y the HumP Route Posing before the HUmP Route Monument in Kunming 俄罗斯援华志愿飞行员遗属奥帕索夫在南京抗日航空烈 士纪念碑副碑上找到了父亲的…