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摘    要:在西方经济学视阈中,市场经济与个人主义、私有制度具有天然合一的特性,其内含"经济人""无形之手—放任自由信仰""效率—公平互抵"等充满争议的理论假设。其中的"经济人"假设在某种意义上可以被视为这个假设体系的基础和理论质点。亚当·斯密在《国富论》中对此作出了最早且明确的阐述,之后,由约翰·穆勒将之归结为"经济人"假设,帕累托进而将"经济人"概念引入西方经济学理论视阈中。"经济人"假设认定私有制经济符合人类最为"真实和唯一"的本性——利己性,在"看不见的手"牵引之下,自私的本性及私有制经济将最大化地促进人类社会整体利益,这个理论杠杆有力地撬起了功利主义维度的市场经济道德支柱,并论证了市场经济与私有制相融合的天然合理性。文章首先对"经济人"假设与私有制经济作出批判性考察,尝试把这两个因素与市场经济剥离开,并将市场经济还原为一种社会经济资源配置的方式和机制,接着分别对作为"过渡阶段"社会主义的历史局限性与公有制经济高绩效命题及其历史实践作出辨析,对社会主义公有制经济与市场经济必然相遇而且能够相容的问题作出了肯定性回答,而这也彻底消除了十八届三中全会"使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用"的命题中可能蕴涵和产生"公有制经济将逐渐被私有制经济所取代"的疑虑。

关 键 词:“经济人假设”  私有制  市场经济  公有制经济  十八届三中全会

Compatibility of Public Economy and Market Economy——an Analysis on Proposition of "Letting the Market Play a Decisive Role in Resource Allocation "on the 3rd Plenary session of 18th Nationdl Congress
Authors:Li Xueyang
Institution:Li Xueyang (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Department of Marxism Study, Beijing, 100732)
Abstract:From the perspective of Western Economics, Individualism and Private Ownership are compatible with Market Economy congenitally. Market Economy is comprised of some controversial hypothesizes, such as the Economic Man, Invisible Hand--the Laissez Faire and Efficient-Fair Offset belief. The hypothesis of Economic Man, created by Adam Smith the British classic economist in his book The Wealth of Nations, can be regarded as the most basic assumption prerequisite of Market Economy theory. It was then introduced by Pareto into Western Economics theory. However, nowadays, such hypothesis is being increasingly criticized by the relevant subjects such as psycho- logical, sociological and philosophy. This paper also criticizes the hypothesis of Economic Man and Private Owner- ship, and tries to detach these factors from Market Economy, seeking to return Market Economy into its original essence of the distribution mechanism concerning social economic resources. Further, this paper also analyzes and affirms the compatibility between the Public Economy and Market Economy.
Keywords:"the hypothesis of Economic Man"  public economy  market economy  compatibility  the 3rd Plenary session of the 18th National Congress of the CPC
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