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引用本文:刘俊海. 中国加入世贸组织后公司法的修改前瞻[J]. 中国法学, 2002, 0(6): 43-55
摘    要:本文主张全面修改《公司法》 ,认为新《公司法》应在坚持公司法人性、营利性与社会性的同时 ,抛弃社团性 ,承认一人公司。建议扩张公司自治空间 ,废除公司经营范围制度 ,重视公司章程和股东协议的效力 ,对各类公司一律采行登记制为主、审批制为辅的设立原则 ,允许公司选择法定代表人的一元化或多元化。主张引入授权资本制 ,改进资本维持原则 ,放宽对股东出资形式的限制 ,适度调整资本减少限制原则 ,原则上废除法定最低注册资本原则。建议由公司章程选择单层制或双层制 ,从多角度完善股东大会运行规则 ,扩张董事会经营权限 ,健全董事会和独立董事制度 ,将监事会确定为董事会上位机关 ,经理职权不应由立法列举 ,控制股东的诚信义务应予确认。本文认为 ,外资企业立法应与公司立法并轨 ,并呼吁新《公司法》要求法院和仲裁机构积极受理公司法未作规定或规定不明的公司纠纷案件。

关 键 词:公司法  资本制度  公司治理  改革

A Prospect of the Amending of Corporation Law After China''''s Accession to WTO
Abstract:This article argues that the current Corporate Law needs comprehensive reform. The author believes that the corporation shall possess its legal personality, pursue profit-maximization, and take social responsibility. One-man corporation shall be recognized. To strengthen corporate autonomy, the traditional restrictions on the scope of corporate business purposes shall be deregulated, the articles of incorporation and the agreements of shareholders shall be respected, approval-based incorporation system shall be replaced by registration-based system, The author suggests that authorized capital system shall be introduced, the forms of the shareholders' contribution shall be liberally interpreted, the accounting firms shall be liable for damage suffered by the third parties due to the malpractice of the accounting firms, the statutory minimum capital requirements shall be abolished. The articles of incorporation may freely choose between one-tier system and two-tier system. The detailed rules on the meetings of shareholders shall be clarified, the authority of the board of directors shall be broadened, the independent directors shall be empowered, the board of Supervisors shall have power to appoint and dismiss the members of the board of directors, the powers of the executives shall be delegated by the board of directors rather than the legislature, the fiduciary duty of the majority shareholders shall be recognized by the legislation. The foreign-invested corporations and domestic-invested corporations shall be subject to same general Corporate Law, the courts and arbitration bodies shall hear all corporate litigations even in the cases of lack of clear or detailed statutory rules.
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