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引用本文:李连君,刘洋. 质疑仲裁裁决的理由及撤销仲裁裁决后的救济方法[J]. 中国海商法年刊, 2013, 0(4): 71-81
作者姓名:李连君  刘洋
摘    要:英国和香港的仲裁法都为仲裁当事方在获得仲裁裁决后提供了三种类型的救济方式,从而能够以适当的方式对仲裁裁决进行修改、变更、发回重审,甚至在某些情况下撤销仲裁裁决或宣告仲裁裁决无效。在修改或变更裁决时,相关修改或变更将作为仲裁庭裁决的一部分而生效。当裁决被法院发回仲裁庭要求重新考虑时,仲裁庭就有责任在一定期限内就所发回的事项作出一个新的裁决。但是,由于在裁决被部分或全部地撤销或者宣告无效时,相关裁决就如同从未作出一样,也就使得原本需要仲裁的纠纷或争议处在待决状态。在这种情况下,仲裁双方当事人就需要更进一步的救济方式来继续解决相关纠纷或争议。从英国及香港仲裁法的视角,对质疑仲裁裁决的理由及撤销仲裁裁决后的救济方法加以解读,并尝试就中国法下的相关问题提供立法建议。

关 键 词:仲裁  质疑  撤销  救济

Grounds to challenge an arbitration award and the remedies after an arbitration award is set aside
LI Lian-jun,LIU Yang. Grounds to challenge an arbitration award and the remedies after an arbitration award is set aside[J]. Annual of China Maritime Law, 2013, 0(4): 71-81
Authors:LI Lian-jun  LIU Yang
Affiliation:( Reed Smith Richards Butler, Hong Kong 999077, China)
Abstract:The arbitration laws of both Hong Kong and the UK have provided for 3 types of post-award remedies to the parties to arbitration, so that the arbitration award may be, as the case may be, appropriately revised, amended or remitted to the tribunal for reconsideration. In certain circumstances the court may even set aside the arbitration award or declare that the a- ward is void. When the award is revised or amended, the revision or the amendment will be valid as part of the arbitration a- ward. However, as the relevant part of the award will be deemed as never been made when the award is partially or wholly set aside or declared void, the dispute which called for arbitration will become pending again. Under this situation, the parties to the arbitration would need further remedies to resolve the relevant dispute which called for arbitration. This article studies the grounds to challenge an arbitration award and the remedies after an arbitration award is set aside under Hong Kong and Eng- lish arbitration laws, and tries to provide certain suggestions for the PRC legislations on the relevant questions.
Keywords:arbitration  challenge  set aside  remedy
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