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Abstract:Book reviews in this article:
S trong D emocracy . By B enjamin B arber .
A P reface to E conomic D emocracy . By R obert D ahl .
R retrieving D emocracy : I n S earch of C ivic E quality . By P hilip G reen .
T he I deology of the N ew R ight . Edited by R uth L evitas .
P ublic E xpenditure . By D avid H eald .
P aying and C hoosing . By L eo P liatzky .
T he H istory and P olitics of C ommunity M ental H ealth . By M urray L evine .
W orking C lass P atients and the M edical E stablishment - S elf H elp In B ritain from the M id 19 th C entury To 1948. By D avid G. G reen .
L iberalism D ivided . A S tudy in B ritish P olitical T hought 1914–1939 by M ichael F reeden .
E ducate , A gitate , O rganise . By P atricia P ugh .
F abianism and C ulture . By I an B ritain .
B ritish D emocracy at the C rossroads : V oting and P arty C ompetition in the 1980's. By P atrick D unleavy and C hristopher T. H usbands .
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