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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
T he O pium of the I ntellectuals . By R aymond A ron . Translated by T erence K ilmartin .
W age P olicy and T he H ealth S ervice . By H. A. C legg and T. E. C hester .
N ationality and C itizenship L aws of the C ommonwealth . By C live P arry .
C onstitutional L aws of the C ommonwealth . Vol. I. T he M onarchies . By S ir I vor J ennings .
S ocial P olicies for O ld A ge . By B. E. S henfield .
T he S aint S imonians M ill and C arlyle . A Preface to Modern Thought. By R ichard K. P. P ankhurst .
T he F rench N ation from N apoleon to P étain , 1814–1940. By D. W. B rogan .
As F rance G oes . By D avid S choenbrun .
T rade U nion L eadership . By V. L. A llen .
T he S oviet F ar E ast : A S urvey of I ts P hysical and E conomic G eography . By E rich T hiel . Translated by A nnelie and R alph M. R ookwood .
T urkism A nd T he S oviets . By C harles W arren H ostler .
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