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引用本文:李景治. 中国共产党的伟大理论贡献[J]. 北京行政学院学报, 2021, 0(2): 1-12. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-7621.2021.02.001
摘    要:百年来,中国共产党坚持马克思主义与中国实际相结合,领导人民取得了革命、建设和改革开放的伟大成就,同时坚持理论创新,为马克思列宁主义的丰富与发展做出了卓越的理论贡献。新民主主义革命和社会主义建设的理论贡献包括:农村包围城市、武装夺取政权理论;新民主主义革命理论;丰富和发展了党的建设理论与统一战线理论;社会主义国家根本制度理论;对中国社会主义建设道路的探索。改革开放大政方针和中国特色社会主义的理论贡献包括:社会主义初级阶段理论;社会主义本质和改革开放动力理论;社会主义初级阶段基本经济制度理论;社会主义市场经济体制理论;政治体制改革和社会主义民主建设理论;“三个代表”重要思想;科学发展观和对外开放理论。新时代中国特色社会主义思想的理论贡献包括:中国特色社会主义建设基本方略;社会主义新发展阶段理论;丰富和发展了加强党的领导理论;强化以人民为中心的理念;我国社会主要矛盾变化理论;推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化理论;总体国家安全观理论;构建人类命运共同体理论。

关 键 词:中国共产党  中国特色社会主义  理论创新  理论贡献

The Great Theoretical Contributions of the Communist Party of China
LI Jingzhi. The Great Theoretical Contributions of the Communist Party of China[J]. Journal of Beijing Administrative College, 2021, 0(2): 1-12. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-7621.2021.02.001
Authors:LI Jingzhi
Abstract:Over the past hundred years,the Communist Party of China has adhered to the combination of Marx-ism and Chinese reality,led the people to achieve great victories in the revolution,construction,and reform and opening-up,and at the same time insisted on theoretical innovations and made outstanding theoretical contribu-tions to the rich development of Marxism-Leninism.The most important of these are:the theoretical contribu-tions of the new-democratic revolution and socialist construction,including the theory of encircling the cities from the rural areas and seizing state power with military force and the theory of people’s democratic dictator-ship and system construction in a socialist country,which have enriched and developed the theory of party con-struction and the theory of the united front,as well as the exploration of China’s socialist construction path;the theoretical contributions of the fundamental policy of the reform and opening-up policy and socialism with Chi-nese characteristics,including the theory of the primary stage of socialism,the essence of socialism and the driv-ing force for the reform and opening-up,the theory of the basic economic system in the primary stage of social-ism,the theory of the socialist market economic system,the theory of the political restructuring and the building of socialist democracy,the important thought of“Three Represents”,the Scientific Outlook on Development,and the theory of opening to the outside world;the theoretical contributions of the thought on socialism with Chi-nese characteristics for the New Era,including the basic strategy for the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics,the theory of new development stage,the theory of the enrichment and development of strength-ening the leadership of the Party,strengthening the people-centered concept,the theory of the evolution of the principal contradiction facing Chinese society,the people-centered development concept,the theory of an over-all national security outlook,and the theory of the construction of a community with shared future for mankind.
Keywords:Communist Party of China(CPC)  socialism with Chinese Characteristics  theoretical innovations  theoretical contributions
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