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Abstract:T he S ocial F oundations of W age P olicy. Second Edition. By B arbara W ootton.
S alaries in the P ublic S ervices in E ngland and W ales. By H ilda R. K ahn with a preface by B arbara W ootton.
T he S ecretariat of the U nited N ations. By S ydney D. B ailey.
D iplomats in I nternational C o -operation : S tepchildren of the F oreign S ervice. By M ichael H. C ardozo.
R eaction and R eform : E ngland in the E arly N ineteenth C entury (1793–1868). By J ohn W. D erry.
T he M aking of F oreign P olicy. By J oseph F rankel.
C uba and the R ule of L aw. Report of the International Commission of Jurists . Introduction by S ir L eslie M unro.
T he V oice of L atin A merica. By W illiam B enton with a foreword by A dlai S tevenson.
L atin A merica —D iplomacy and R eality. By A dolf A. B erle.
A frican O ne -P arty S tates. Edited M. C arter.
A frica in W orld P olitics. By V ernon M c K ay .
S ocial C ontrol in an A frican S ociety . By P. H. G ulliver .
T he R ise of D emocracy in P re -R evolutionary R ussia. Political and Social Institutions Under the Last Three Czars. By J acob W alkin.
I slam and the W est. By P. K. H itti
W orld C ommunism. By S. H ook.
T he I dea of R acialism. By L. L. S nyder.
I deas in C onflict. T he P olitical T heories of the C ontemporary W orld. By E. M. B urns.
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