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引用本文:马瑞丽. 当事人意思自治原则与我国的立法及实践[J]. 河南司法警官职业学院学报, 2007, 5(4): 70-72
摘    要:当事人意思自治原则作为涉外合同法律适用的首要原则,已为大多数国家的立法和司法实践所接受。我国立法中也采用了这一原则,但与国际上其他国家的立法实践及国际公约相比,条文简略,缺乏可操作性。鉴于此,我国最高人民法院于2007年7月23日发布了《最高人民法院关于审理涉外民事或商事合同纠纷案件法律适用若干问题的规定》(法释〔2007〕14号)。该司法解释的出台为我国法院审理涉外民商事合同案件如何正确确定准据法提供了更具有操作性的法律依据,从而对我国涉外民商事审判实践产生积极的影响。但笔者认为,该司法解释还有进一步完善之必要。

关 键 词:涉外合同  法律适用  意思自治  完善

Litigant Meaning Autonomous Principle and Legislation and Practice in our Country
MA Rui-li. Litigant Meaning Autonomous Principle and Legislation and Practice in our Country[J]. JOurnal of Henan Judicial Police Vocational College, 2007, 5(4): 70-72
Authors:MA Rui-li
Abstract:As the first principle of foreign affairs contract,the litigant meaning autonomous principle is accepted by the majority countries in legislation and the judicial practice.Our country has also used this principle in legislation,but the articles are brief and not easy for operation compared with other national legislation and practice as well as the international joint pledge.In view of this,Supreme People's Court of our country has issued on July 23,2007 the law interpretation(2007)14 "Stipulation Made by Supreme People's Court Foreign on Certain Issues in Civil Affairs or Trade Contract Dispute Case".This judicial interpretation will provide the legal basis which is easy to operate on foreign affairs and trade contract case correctly thus have the positive influence on trial practice of foreign affairs and trade in our country.But the author believes that the judicial interpretation also has necessity for perfection.
Keywords:contract concerned foreign affairs  legal suit  meaning autonomous  perfection
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